Each year millions of live reptiles and amphibians are imported into the U.S. for sale in the pet trade. The number imported continues to grow every year. The lack of shipping standards governing the transport of reptiles and amphibians to the U.S. has resulted in the needless injury and death of countless turtles, lizards, snakes, and frogs. The animals are routinely crushed, dismembered, and frozen to death during transport to the U.S. A 1981 amendment to the Lacey Act authorized the U.S. Department of the Interior to promulgate regulations governing the humane and healthful transport of live reptiles and amphibians to the United States. Such regulations have not been forthcoming until now. The pet industry is orchestrating massive opposition to the adoption of these regulations which they falsely claim will halt the import of live reptiles and amphibians. In reality, it will make shippers and airlines legally accountable for the deaths and injuries they cause to reptiles and amphibians during transport.

There are several ways you can help!

WRITE A LETTER: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has invited the public to comment on proposed regulations governing the humane and healthful transport of live amphibians and reptiles to the U.S. The proposed regulations may be found in the Federal Register, Volume 62, No. 109, published on June 6, 1997. This notice can be accessed through the Internet at the following web site: Use the following "search" parameters: In the date line, type: ON 6/6/97. In the subject line, type: "Reptiles". Another Federal Register notice, Volume 62, No. 234 published on December 5, 1997, reopened the comment period. The Service will accept comments from January 17, 1998 through February 17, 1998. Please send your comments before the deadline to:

Mr. Kenneth Stansell, Chief
Office of Management Authority
4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Room 430
Arlington, VA 22203
Fax: 703-358-2280

ATTEND A PUBLIC MEETING: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will hold two public meetings on the regulations in January, both in Los Angeles and in New York City. The pet industry has already sent out an alert to the reptile and amphibian importers, pet stores, and dealers asking them to show up at the public meetings. Reptiles and amphibians need to have people who truly care about their treatment at these public meetings to defend the adoption of these regulations! Attendees do not have to be experts, just compassionate people concerned about these animals.

January 17, 1998
1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
St. John's University
Bent Hall Seminar Room
8000 Utopia Parkway
Jamaica (Queens), New York

January 27, 1998
1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
The Westin Hotel
Los Angeles Airport
5400 West Century Blvd.
Los Angeles, California

You may wish to make the following points in your letter or at the public meetings:

Thank you for your help! For more information contact Christine Wolf at The Fund for Animals, by phone at 301-585-2591 or by e-mail at

The Fund for Animals

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